PROJECT: NRECA - FINANCE: 401k Retirement & Savings Contributions Redesign 2016 &
"Message Center" Intranet Messaging System 2016
Entire prototypes & site map (robust):
"Message Center" Intranet Messaging System 2016
Entire prototypes & site map (robust):
Custom redesign of the company's internal financial Retirement & Savings process tool for Business Administrators and other hierarchy authorities. Step by step process for the user to make various adjustments to employee's retirement, savings, and 401k portfolios.
PROJECT: NRECA - "Message Center" Intranet Messaging System 2016
Entire prototype & site map (robust):
Entire prototype & site map (robust):
Custom redesign of the company's internal messaging tool. It was created to allow employees with various levels of authority to receive, send, and schedule notifications based upon their permissions. Views and layouts change based off of each employees permission levels.
PROJECT: Various Marriott International Promotions
Whiteboard ideations turned into low-fidelity wire frames, high-fidelity prototypes, then developed.
Whiteboard ideations turned into low-fidelity wire frames, high-fidelity prototypes, then developed.
Wireframe mockup of Marriott China landing page & component cards design.
Whiteboard information architecture & component design for a Marriott Rewards promo. Then, subsequent page layout of the promotional experience and options available.
Whiteboard information architecture & custom component designs for a vacations promo.
Wireframe mockup of Marriott Honeymoon Gift Registry landing page & component design.